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Cord Surfboards Explained

Writer's picture: Cord SurfboardsCord Surfboards

Our Menu of Carefully Considered Surfboard Models

All of Cord Surfboards' tried and tested surfboard designs collated in one place for you to compare and contrast, with notes from head shaper Markie Lascelles.

cord surfboards flying vee fish in green

The Flying Vee

Size Range: 25.2 to 35.7 L

Wave Range: up to 6ft

Recommended Fins: Futures K2 Keel Fins

Great in waves up to 6 foot, The Flying Vee has a wider plan shape and flatter rocker meaning it has great paddle-ability and acceleration, plus optimal drive from the flatness through the wide swallow tail.

Notes From Markie:

"This thing will get you going super fast down the line with little effort and its impeccable rail to rail game comes thanks to the deep Spiral Vee between the Twin boxes, inspiring the boards name. This means better turns for you in critical sections and better cutting back on flatter sections. The Flying Vee can be a great small wave summer cruiser or used as an advanced high performance shred machine. It's a very versatile model and one of our favourites in a lot of different conditions."

cord surfboards humbucker fish in orange

The Humbucker

Size Range: 32.9 to 41.4 L

Wave Range: Small to medium - but Markie’s go to board in 6ft plus barrels

Recommended Fins: Futures K2 Keel Fins

The Humbucker is a fish style, snub nosed twin fin made for small to medium waves, critical turns, airs, barrels and the main thing, getting into waves easier.

Notes From Markie:

"Easy to paddle and surf and catches heaps of waves, plus can hang on in critical sections. It’s my go-to board for winter. The Humbucker loves a lumpy beach break and eats through bumps. It has plenty of release due to the twin fin.”

cord surfboards swordfish in rioja red

The Swordfish

Size Range: 26.12 to 36.4 L

Wave Range: up to 6ft

Recommended Fins: Futures Rasta 2+1

The Swordfish is made for high performance surfing, airs, tight turns,

barrels and pretty much all waves up to 6ft.

Notes From Markie:

“This hybrid board works in a variety of waves, and is a nice one to have on good days. The wide tail gives you speed and flow plus forgiveness, and we’ve counteracted any skatey-ness with channels that add grip and acceleration. The Swordfish will go as high performance as you can! It gets loads of waves and is one of our favourites.”

cord surfboards ark twin fin channel bottom pin tail

The Ark

Size Range: 28 to 44 L

Wave Range: small to medium waves. Goes great in anything from 3-6ft waves

Recommended Fins: Futures Akilla Twin

The Ark is made for small to medium waves, barrels and progressive surfing. It's a great all rounder for the quiver.

Notes From Markie:

"This is our all-rounder and bestseller. A beauty of a board, it goes from slop to steep and has great speed and flow. The refined back end has lots of surface area on the water, offering good projection, plus channels give lift and speed through critical turns, acting like a trailer without the drag.”

cord surfboards step-ark twin fin channel bottom pin tail

The Step-Ark

Size Range: 40 to 44 L

Wave Range: big waves

Recommended Fins: Futures Akilla Twin

The Step-Ark is The Ark’s big brother, made for big waves, barrels and power surfing. The design is the same concept but made for more extreme conditions. It has slightly more meat up front to get you into the bigger waves and a slightly more drawn in tail to hold in to the steeper face.

Notes From Markie:

"A perfect complement to your everyday stick for when it gets bigger. If you like big barrels you need one of these!"

cord surfboards projector surfboard

The Projector

Size Range: 40 to 49.9 L

Wave Range: small wave cruising

Recommended Fins: 7.5” single fin

The Projector is our performance all-rounder mid-length made for small wave cruising, big wave charging,

making sections, and getting lots of waves.

Notes From Markie:

"The Projector has a drawn out rail line and relatively flat bottom contour to give you a fast and drivey mid-length that you can just cruise on, or really put on the rail if you feel the need. It has a lot of volume which means it can go in smaller or bigger waves, depending on where the rider wants to take it, but the pulled in nose makes it easy to duck dive."

cord surfboards sunseeker midlength surfboard

The Sunseeker

Size Range: 38 to 52.6 L

Wave Range: up to 6ft

Recommended Fins: standard thruster

The Sunseeker is our go to mid-length funboard and was made for small summer days hence the name, but through testing we found it great in any waves up to 6ft.

Notes From Markie:

“The Sunseeker has more paddle in the nose without giving up any performance aspects, such as the rocker and dropped knifey rail. This board is great for anyone from beginners to experts.”

cord surfboards sawn-off surfboard

The Sawn-Off

Size Range: 43.4 to 52.2 L

Wave Range: Up to 4ft

Recommended Fins: standard thruster

Made for riding like a Longboard but a little easier to handle, it's called the Sawn-Off because it is literally a longboard with a bit cut-off!

Notes From Markie:

"Turns easily and can be ridden in slightly bigger stuff if the surfer wanted, but also nose rides in the pocket due to the nice deep nose concave. This is a super-fun board in any waves up to 4ft."

cord surfboards classic longboard

The Classic

Size Range: 70.4 to 78.7 L

Wave Range: clean waves up to 6ft

Recommended Fin: 9.5” single fin

The Cord Classic is drawn from the original template that the “Hot Generation” designed in the Cord factory in Caloundra back in 1965.

Notes From Markie:

"Don't be fooled by the narrow nose, the wide point in the back of the board means it holds in the wave face lifting up the nose to allow for epic nose riding in the pocket. A single nose concave helps this too. Some serious hang time can be spent on the Classic! It was designed for the long point breaks of the Sunshine Coast of Australia so really comes into its own in small clean waves. The wide point or hip is in the lower region of the board with a rolled belly vee on the bottom toward the fin. This gives a great pivot for turning off the back foot. The old style 50/50 rails give a a lovely rolling feeling between turns."

cord surfboards noserider surfboard the kingswood with green resin tint

The Kingswood

Size Range: 76 to 82.2 L

Wave Range: up to 3ft

Recommended Fin: 9.5” single fin

Made for small wave logging, noseriding, and having fun in really small surf, The Kingswood is our old faithful Noserider. If it's super small and clean, this is what you grab for your day ahead.

Notes From Markie:

"The Kingswood goes in anything above a ripple and really fun in waves up to 3ft. Take off, pick your line, cross step to the nose and enjoy!"


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